Form: ARRL_ARES_FSD157_Initial.html,ARRL_ARES_FSD157_Viewer.html Subject:ARES FSD157-- Msg: 1. Nature of Activity: [] 2. Description of Activity: 3. Places or Areas Involved: 4. Number of Amateurs Participating: 5. Event START Date/Time: 6. Event END Date/Time: 7: Event Duration in Hours: 8. Total Person Hours: 9. Number of Repeaters Used: 10. Estimated Staffing Cost: 11. Estimated Equipment Cost: 12. Total Cost of Service: 13. Nets and/or Frequencies Used & Repeater Call Signs: 14. Number of Messages Handled: 15. Names of Agencies Receiving Support: 16. Calls Signs of Amateurs as Major Participants: 17. Other Comments: ---------------------------- Amateur Radio Organization Providing Service: Location of Organization: Your Name: Call Sign: Primary Email: Address: ARRL Appointmnet: Telephone Days: Telephone Evenings: ----------------------------- Approving Name: Date/Time: